Saturday, April 11, 2009

tags again!!

Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
name blog aku??
eiyna dania.. sanang orang ingati.. eheh xp

Apakah nama link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakanya seperti itu?
eiyna nick lama and dania nick baru.. i like nama dania so tamukan jadi eiyna dania la, ehe

Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
tentang diriku, aktiviti, lirik lagu, info2 and macam2 gy..
banyak wa.. ku na ngat..

Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda?sebabnya?
pernah kali pi sayang jua kan di delete..
sebabnya nada idea kan tulis apa, ahah xp

Adakah anda suka tag ini?
au.. ehe.. banyak kali a my tag pat my blog a..

Senaraikan nama orang yang akan anda Tag?
and siapa ja yang sudi =]

7th tHinGs - miLeY cYrUs

I probably shouldn’t say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we’ve shared

It was awesome but we lost it
It’s not possible for me not to care
Now we’re standing in the rain
But nothin’s ever gonna change until you hear, my dear

The 7 things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you
Oh you
You’re vain, your games, you’re insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don’t know which side to buy
Your friends they’re jerks
And when you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

It’s awkward and it’s silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
And when you mean it, I’ll believe it
If you text it, I’ll delete it
Let’s be clear
I’m not coming back
You’re taking 7 steps here

The 7 things I hate about you
You’re vain, your games, you’re insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don’t know which side to buy
Your friends they’re jerks
And when you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

Compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention
The 7 that I like

The 7 things I like about you
You hair, your eyes, your old levi’s
And when we kiss, I’m hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that’s both I’ll have to buy
Your hand in mine
When we’re intertwined everything’s alright
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you

Thursday, April 9, 2009

about the girls

whats your name? eiyna daniasenyum
do you think your a princess? no, im just an ordinary girl okay =]angel
do you love makeup? boleh la..rindu
lipbalm or lipstick? lipbalm pleasee!! xpsiul
whos your best friend? i dont know haa fikir
how old are you? 21 baby!! xp
do you like the jonas brothers? no comment =]fikir
what do you think about britney spears? she`s cute
eyeshadow or blusher? both, tanpa eyeshadow tak ada la blusher, eheh ;p
do you still watch disney channel? not really, if i want jaa ;]angel
do you love anyone? yup, family.. lol
do you think your pretty? no comment babe!! xp
do other people think your pretty? i dont even know that
whats your fave food? butter prawn, dimsum shumai, takoyaki, dorayaki and mee seafood, nyummy..
r u a vegetarian? no ;]
have you ever done cheerleading? me?? no way x]
tagged? lily, wanney and anyone can take this.. ;]tepuktangan

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

sydney white

assalamualaikum.. hai all, sorry awh saal nda mempost.. kemarin aqu tu melyat cerita Sydney White.. siuk la even cerita lama.. if kamu alum lyat, jan lupa lyat keyh. ayte, c ya in next post

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


.. B a s i c s ..
Name: ina
Nicknames: eiyna
Age: 21years old
Birthday: 16th December 19**
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Height: 150 kalii, kali la a..

.. C u r r e n t ..
Location: somewhere in brunei XD
Song You're Listening To: gubrak by intan nuraini
Show/Movie You're Watching: macam2 aznil
Clothes You're Wearing: baju panjang tangan..
Person You're Talking To: my family
Mood You're In: good
Magazine You're Reading: mastika
Movie You Want To See: harry potter 6!!

.. F a v o r i t e s ..
Color: blue, white and black
Song: macam2, ahah.. banyak wa xp
Movie: nda tau :/
Show: macam2 aznil..
Drink: honeydew juice/ honeydew ice blended
Food: takoyaki && dorayaki
Book: novels and magazines
Sport: riding a bicycle..
Lipgloss: nda qu pakai..
Perfume: er, im allergic to perfume :/
Place To Shop: anywhere..
Thing To Do: bloggin!! xp

.. T h i s O r T h a t ..
Day or Night: day
T.V. or Movie: can i take both? hahah xp
Guys or Girls: both, im not bi k
Indoors or Outdoors: outdoors
Radio or CD: cd
Coffee or Pop: coffee
Sweet or Sour: sadang2 la
Myspace or Facebook: no one, ahah xp
Talking or Texting: texting =]
Quiet or Loud: both =p
Rain or Sunshine: rain!! ;p

.. L a s t ..
Place You Went: madang
Thing You Did: ironing the clothes
Movie You Watched: brainscan awhh..
Book You Read: mastika
CD You Listened To: nada
Thing You Bought: liquid eyeliner and mastika, atu jaa
Movie You Rented: manada ehy..
Vacation You Went On: pat HT Enterprise
Place You Took A Plane To: Kuala Lumpur

.. L a s t P e r s o n ..
You Hung Out With: my sisters
You Talked To On The Phone: my dad
You Messaged: kawan
You Commented: c.wanney`s profile
You Yelled At: nada kali..
You Got Annoyed With: my chatter
You Missed: ada ta tu.. (^_^)
You Went To The Mall With: my sister wa
You Saw A Movie With: alum baa..
You Went Out To Eat With: nadaa, majal xp
You Stayed The Night With: family, ahah xp

.. R a n d o m ..
Whose Is Your Best Friend: kawa, lily..
Do You Have A Car: coming soon kali, bth g wa..
What Is The Best Feeling In The World: ntahh :/
Do You Get Mad Easily: au =]
Who Is The Most Important Person In Your Life: my family
Ever Gone All Night Without Sleeping: ndaa
Are You Happy With Your Life: au

..Y o u t a g g e d..
and siapa ja yang sudi =]