Friday, January 22, 2010

Tagged lagi.

Are you taken?
- yup

Do you like the way things are treating you now?
; emm.. maybe
Define love.
- Satu kecenderungan yang membawa kepada perasaan yang menyenangkan. Ia adalah tarikan pemikiran, kesudian dan kecenderungan kepada yang disukai. iin english?? pikirkan tia.. haha

Who was your last ex?
- c.tut.. *malas ku ingatkan lagi*

What are you craving for now?
- mee..

What makes you hurt?
- yang buat saya hurt lah o.o

What is/are your weird habit?
- bila lihat cerita seram.. once tekajut, kaka and adi pun tekajut.. haha

When was the last time you cried?
- last week

Your favourite colour(s)?
- black + blue + white + green + red
Which one do you prefer : eyes or lips?
- both, mata untuk melihat and menjaling and lips untuk bercakap and makan.. ngam ja? hee

have you ever feel being left out?
- nda x

What are you afraid of?
- dogs.. lau nampak ja mesti jalan perlahan2 and lyat pat lain *dlm hati kbk2 dh tkut kna ggt*

What do you feel now?
- kepanasan.. haha

Your favourite football team?
- inda lgi minat.. sorry

Do you still love your ex?
- nda..

Do you have a crush now? Who?
- nada

Do you think someone like you now?
- nada

Do you want children?
- macam balik2 kan soalan ne.. check rah note saya yang satu.. haha *kes malas*

When do you wanna get married?
- nda tau.. *banyak soal jua e* haha

sunset or sunrise?
- both please..

Puisi from ada apa dengan cinta

Ku lari ke hutan,kemudian teriakku.
Ku lari ke pantai,kemudian menyanyiku.
Sepi..sepi dan sendiri aku benci.Aku mau bingar..
Aku mau di pasar.
Bosan aku dgn penat dan enyah saja kau dekat.
Seperti berjelaga jika ku sendiri.Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai.
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh...Ada malaikat menyulam jaring labah2 belang di tembok keraton putih.

Kenapa tak goyangkan saja locengnya biar terdera..
Atau aku harus lari pantai belok ke hutan

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Do you SWEAR to tell the truth the whole TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?
- insyaAllah.. jgn majal a.. hehe :)

Where were you last night?
- di rumah la..
What is today's date?
- 21st January 2010
Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
- tu c.dia
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
- inda..
Anyone crushing on you?
- inda tau..
Has anyone ever sang to you?
- pernah e,time celebrate my birthday my sista nyanyikan untuk saya.. menyanyi jua kan :P
Has anyone ever given you roses?
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
- cuba tah tinggalkan aku a.. ada jua org atu becakap sama dinding.. haha
Who do you text the most?
- neh yang rapat sama aku and c.dia
First person to text today?
- c.dia
What is your favorite color?
- black + blue + white + red + green
What color are your eyes?
- dark brown
What is a compliment you receive often?
- inda tau..
How tall are you?:
- 150cm kali.. pikirkan tia..maybe la..
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
- nh yang rapat a..
Do you like your parents?
- of course lah..

Do you secretly like someone?:
- nda..
Why did your last relationship end?
- malas ku kan jawap ne..
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
- nada laii
Where is the furthest place you've travelled?
- kota kinabalu.. fuhh
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
- both la, if inda makan lapar jua tu.. apa g if inda tidur.. bangkak tia kali mata a.. haha
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
- inda tau.. kamu la pikir a.. hehe
How long does it take you to shower?
- 15-20mins..
Can you do splits?
- inda
Are you flexible?
- inda tau
What did you do on New Years Eve?
- apa aa..
Was your mom there?
- nda..
Can you speak any other language than English?
- au..
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
- i slept at 1am and bangun dalam pukul 9am.. kira tia.. haha
Do you wear your seat belt in the car?:
- au la.. kana saman pulang karang..
Are you scared of flying?
- awal2 ja.. hehe
Who was the last person you kissed?
- my nephew..
Do you like funny people or serious people?
- both
What are you listening to?
- nobody by wonder girls
What jewelry do you wear all the time?
- rantai.. hadiah harijadi dari my dad tahun lepas.. *love you dad*
What do you have planned for tonight?
- nada.. huhu.. lyt dvd ja
Is the last person you kissed older than you?
- inda.. my nephew pulang tu
Do you prefer myspace or socialsplash?
- facebook..
Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
- yup.

Do you like messages or comments better?
- both..
Last movie you saw in theaters?
- papadom..
Last thing you ate?
- neh gula2 from my mum.. mau kh? ambil sendiri.. haha
What was last thing you drank?
- nescafe.. kalau mau ambil di dapur.. if ada pulang tu.. hee
Are you happy right now?
- inda.. boring ku boring..
If you could have one thing right now what would it be..
- balik masa zaman kanak2..
Who makes you happiest right now?
- friends, c.dia, bestfriend, family
What were you doing at midnight last night?
- tido.. hee
Are you left handed?
- nope, right handed
What is for dinner tonight?
- lum tau
What is the last thing you thought about?
- mau lyt harry potter 7 bahhhh..
When is your birthday?
- 16.12.1987..
Do you want to get married & have children one day?
- insyaAllah bila sampai masanya..

Penyakit alzheimer ditemukan pertama kali pada tahun 1907 oleh
seorang ahli Psikiatri dan neuropatologi yang bernama Alois Alzheimer. Ia
mengobservasi seorang wanita berumur 51 tahun, yang mengalami gangguan
intelektual dan memori serta tidak mengetahui kembali ketempat tinggalnya,
sedangkan wanita itu tidak mengalami gangguan anggota gerak,koordinasi dan
reflek. Pada autopsi tampak bagian otak mengalami atropi yang difus dan
simetri, dan secara nikroskopik tampak bagian kortikal otak mengalami neuritis
plaque dan degenerasi neurofibrillary.

Secara epidemiologi dengan semakin meningkatnya usia harapan
hidup pada berbagai populasi, maka jumlah orang berusia lanjut akan semakin
meningkat. Dilain pihak akan menimbulkan masalah serius dalam bidang sosial
ekonomi dan kesehatan, sehingga aka semakin banyak yang berkonsultasi
dengan seorang neurolog karena orang tua tersebut yang tadinya sehat, akan
mulai kehilangan kemampuannya secara efektif sebagai pekerja atau sebagai
anggota keluarga. Hal ini menunjukkan munculnya penyakit degeneratif otak,
tumor, multiple stroke, subdural hematoma atau penyakit depresi, yang
merupakan penyebab utama demensia.

Istilah demensia digunakan untuk menggambarkan sindroma klinis
dengan gejala menurunnya daya ingat dan hilangnya fungsi intelek lainnya.
Defenisi demensia menurut Unit Neurobehavior pada Boston Veterans
Administration Medical Center (BVAMC) adalah kelainan fungsi intelek yang
didapat dan bersifat menetap, dengan adanya gangguan paling sedikit 3 dari 5
komponen fungsi luhur yaitu gangguan bahasa, memori, visuospasial, emosi dan

Penyebab pertama penderita demensia adalah penyakit alzheimer (50-
60%) dan kedua oleh cerebrovaskuler (20%). Diperkirakan penderita demensia
terutama penderita alzheimer pada abad terakhir ini semakin meningkat jumlah
kasusnya sehingga akan mungkin menjadi epidemi seperti di Amerika dengan
insidensi demensia 187 populasi /100.000/tahun dan penderita alzheimer
123/100.000/tahun serta penyebab kematian keempat atau kelima

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Clouds are white but the sky is blue, monkey like you should be kept in zoo.Don't get angry, you'll find me there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you. Hahaha!

Hi! I am dying to see you, I want to talk to you seriously, but I can't get to you, this stupid gatekeeper is asking me for a ticket to enter the zoo.

Lovely words

To wish is to wish for you,
To sleep is to dream of you,
To live is to wait for you,
To smile is to think of you.

To be afraid to be weak, don't be proud to be strong,
That will be return to yourself, you're return to innocence,
Don't care what people say, just follow your own way,
Don't give up and use the chance, just believe in destiny,
Add return to innocence.

I heard someone whisper your name but when I turned around to see who it was. I notice I was alone. Then I realize it was my heart telling me that I miss you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Profile Of Kenichi Matsuyama

Name: 松山ケンイチ
Name (romaji): Matsuyama Kenichi
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1985-Mar-05
Birthplace: Aomori, Japan
Height: 180cm
Weight: 60kg
Star sign: Pisces
Blood type: B

Sexy Voice and Robo (NTV, 2007)
Machiben (NHK, 2006)
Tsubasa No Oreta Tenshitachi (Fuji TV, 2006, ep2)
Ichi Ritoru no Namida (Fuji TV, 2005)
Be-Bop High School 2 (TBS, 2005)
Division 1 Kareshi Sensei (Fuji TV, 2005)
Be-Bop High School (TBS, 2004)
Gokusen Special (NTV, 2003)
Gokusen (NTV, 2002)

Kamui Gaiden (2009)
L (2008)
Don't Laugh at My Romance (2008)
Southbound (2007)
Tsubaki Sanjuro (2007)
Dolphin Blue Fuji, Mou Ichido Sora He (2007)
The Blue Wolf: To the Ends of the Earth and Sea (2007)
Child Prodigy (2007)
Yume Juu Ya (2007)
Oyayubi Sagashi (2007)
Shindo (2007)
Death Note 2: The Last Name (2006)
Death Note: Dead or Alive (2006)
Otoko-tachi no Yamato (2005)
Kasutamu-meido 10.30 (2005)
Furyo Shonen no Yume (2005)
Nana The movie (2005)
Linda Linda Linda (2005)
Winning Pass (2004)
Taste of Brown (2004)
Shibuya Ghost Story 2 (2004)
KAMACHI (2004)